I installed it. It is very easy. But it is slow, probably because my laptop isn't very big. Your article helped me very much. Thanks

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Happy to help, glad the article helped you! Do subscribe for more articles in Emerging Technologies and the latest research.

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Thanks. I am looking into running a LMM localy. This will certainly help.

I am no developper, just an end-user wanting to have control over my own privacy.

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How does this compare to using Ollama to run AIs locally?

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Less setup, a user-friendly GUI, and equally powerful capabilities. Can be served online as well. Multiple LLMs and multiple agents can run at the same time, with minimal effort and a GUI to control everything instead of a CLI. And, if you prefer a CLI, LM Studio has that as well.

Refer to this link: https://lmstudio.ai/blog/lms

The real beauty about LM Studio is that it is developer-friendly while being beginner-friendly, simultaneously. It has a Python SDK as well as a JS SDK.

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